Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Quest 1-Same Book

Same Book(to the tune of Same Girl)
Written by Molly Bersin & Quinn Butterfield

Hear the song

Molls-Yo Quinn
Quinn- What Up Molls?
M-I wanna introduce you to this book, think you'd really love this book.
M-Girl it's so good.
Q-What's it about?
M-Some lost boys on an island and Ralph is their leader!
M-They have a signal fire, where's the kid with the birthmark? Plus they built 3 huts. Got a Beast on the island and it's really scary.
Q-Wait a minute, hold on Molls. Do they got a conch?
Q-Catch a big fat pig?
Q- Built some huts on the east side of the beach?
Q-I can't believe this book.
M-Tell me what's wrong Quinn why are you sayin this? I'm your girl so just say what's on your mind?
Q-Girl I didn't know that you were talking 'bout that.
M-So you're telling me you've read it?
Q-Yeah I read it back in 8th grade with Mr.Shaddox
M&Q-(chorus) We've read the same book, same book. It was the love of my life and my potential favorite. Same book, same book. Girl I can't believe that we've been reading the same book, same book. I thought that they would all die but they've been survivin on the I. Q,M, man we've been reading the same book.
M&Q-See they landed on this island in the ocean. Oh! Jack was mad he wasn't leader. Oh! They got into a fight cause Jack let the fire out without hesitation. All of the littluns were having nightmares about the wild beast but it was really just Simon creepin.
M-Jack only wants to go huntin
Q-Are you talkin 'bout the pigs?
M-Mhm, I think that is so dumb.
Q&M-It's obvious that they are strugglin, strugglin. Cause constantly they're fightin, fightin. Don't like the way that Ralph's going 'bout it going 'bout it. Use the conch to keep some order and the fire to maintain hope.
M-Yeah girl, that's a plan.
Q-What do you think 'bout Piggy?
M-He is really smart, but kinda fat too
Q-He don't know what to do
M-Or else they'll be there forever....

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