Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Quest 4-Interview with Piggy

Keep reading to learn about Piggy's thoughts of the island and the other boys.

Quinn-Although I don't know from experience, I'm guessing that being in a plane crash would be pretty painful and emotional. What were you thinking and feeling when the plane crashed?

Piggy-It definitely left a scar, emotionally and physically. The loud boom of the plane splitting is a sound that I will never forget. (Piggy takes a gasp of his inhaler) I remember being so stricken with fear and loneliness. Seeing Ralph on that first day on the island was so reassuring. Looking back on it, I almost wish that it was only me and him on the island. We could have skipped all the drama that occurred.

Quinn-What kind of drama are you referring to? The fire? The beast? I read the book, but I'm sure your side of the story is different then Simmon's.

Piggy-All of it. In the end the fire did play a very important role in our survival, but while on the island it caused more pain and struggle then preventing it. Also it caused so many fights. As you might remember Jack let the fire out to catch a pig.

Quinn- I remember that. Do you think the ship would have rescued you if the fire was going?

Piggy- That's a good question. Ralph really thought that the ship would have saved us, if we had the fire. Yes, they might have seen the smoke, but what are the chances? From that far away?

Quinn-What did Ralph do to Jack after he let the fire out?

Piggy-He didn't really do much. Not even after Jack socked me in the stomach, and broke my glasses. If I were leader, he would have been punished. That's the reason people kept breaking the rules, nothing happened to them if they did.

Quinn-Did you want to be leader? What would you have done differently if you were leader?

Piggy-I did want to be leader. I was smarter then all the other boys on the island. I would have payed more attention to the littluns. Especially because when we first made the huge signal fire, the little boy with the birth mark died. To this day I wish I could have saved him. If I was leader I believe I could have maintained the order.

Quinn-Do you think that conch played an important role in the order on the island.

Piggy- Definitely, I went by the rules of the conch. A lot of the other boys didn't though. Especially Jack. He was always bullying and hunting. That's all he cared about. Even if it meant hurting other boys. I heard about what happened on the beast hunt. When they basically hunted Robert.

Quinn-What were you doing while the other boys were hunting the beast?

Piggy- I was on the beach, watching the littluns that couldn't go on the hunt. I wasn't sure if it was because Ralph trusted me to be a leader, even if it was only for a little while. Or, if it was because the thought I would hold them back and slow down the hunt. None the less, I was a great leader. I helped them when the had nightmares about the beast, and I made sure they were all accounted for.

Quinn- I know you and Jack had some fights, but so did Ralph and Jack. Simmon wrote that Jack and Ralph fought over popularity, did you ever witness that?

Piggy- Oh yeah, for sure. I saw them fight over popularity all the time. I think that's the only reason that Jack even wanted to catch a pig. for sure it's the only reason he wanted to catch the beast. If there was no one to impress he would have been scared of the beast, not out trying to catch it.

Quinn-On the island, all the boys called you Piggy, how did you feel about this?

Piggy- You might think that I would have hated it, but actually, it made me feel more at home. Sure it gave me less power and made me more of a joke, but it reminded me of home, and that's were I wanted to be most.

Quinn-Your right I did think that you hated it. I wanted to ask you what you thought about the "Beastie"?

Piggy-At first I didn't believe in a beast, after Jack and Ralph said they saw one, I definitely believed in it. It caused such a scare for the littluns, just hearing their cries every night made me shiver.

Quinn-How did you feel when Jack and some of his hunters left the group?

Piggy- Although we could have used the extra hands, and there was a lot of littluns and not very many bigguns, I was relieved. Jack was horrible, not only to me, but to everyone. Having him gone lifted such a big weight off of my shoulders.

Quinn-That's all the time we have for today. Thank you for giving us the inside look on Lord Of The Flies.

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