Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blog 2- Blurry Orange Mess

The boys faces begin to blur; I take of my glasses and rub them on my shirt. The frantic mess of noise and clutter activates my asthma; my nimble breathing makes it hard for me to maneuver on the steep mountain. The fire started to spark and caught on the the warped wood near it. I looked over at Jack and Ralph who looked pleased with there work. I glanced back at the roaring fire which has grown and traveled down the side of the mountain. I hold on tight to the cold hard conch in my hands, and know that I have to say something. "Look at that fire!" I know no one wants to listen to the fat boy, but I keep talking anyways. "Do you even know how many little boys there are?" I look down at the fire again, and the boy with mark on his face fills my mind. Jack gives me a scornful look, but I continue, "Ralph said fire and all of you ran up here in a great tumult, like he's irresistible or something."
"Shut up" Ralph yells in an officious tone.
"I have the conch," I reply, "We need to have more order around here." The great fire turns into a blurry orange mess as my glasses blur once again.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Blog 1-Watery Grave

I watched as the deep mysterious ocean devoured my plane. The frightful cries for help and the boom of the explosion echoed in my ears as I quivered with fear. I am not even sure what really happened, I remember, my stomach jerked as the plane took a drastic turn. There was a jumble of boys in their uniforms, all of us screamed and I held on tight pretending it was only a dream, but I never woke up. The plane crashed into the water and we stumbled onto the lagoon. There were only a few of us, I figured the others washed up somewhere else, or... I didn't even want to think of it. Suddenly, we heard a deep boom, like a trumpet. At first I was frightened, but the other boys thought we should follow the sound, so I joined. We clambered over the many rocks and mountains, following the loud clamor. Until we finally came across two other boys. One of them was blowing what looked to be a very large shell. The other was running towards us. His skin was ghostly pallor, and he was a bit plump. "Hello," he said between pants, "What are your names?" I started to answer but the other boy blew the grating shell again. More and more boys in different uniforms began to gather around the boy with the shell. The last boys to come were dressed in long black cloaks, I speculated how hot they must be, they were all following one vainly boy, as they decorously marched forth. The strident shell made one more deep boom.
The shell blower gasped, "Everyone quiet!"He exclaimed, "If were going to make it on this island we need to have a leader. So, I'll be it." I suddenly realized the situation we were in. There were no adults. How were we going to survive?
I was shook from my day dream as the leader of the decorous boys indigently spoke up, "I should be the leader," he said.
The fat boy interposed, "What about a vote?" He said frightened.
"A vote it is." Shell boy replied. "All in favor of me, raise your hand." Everyone around me raised there hands, i followed. Partly because I didn't want to be the only one who didn't, but also because I didn't want to turn into one of the boys in the cloaks.